Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I'm a Big Boy now

After many weeks of waking up with dry Pull-ups, I finally had Little Brother sleep in his underwear. The first night was not a success, but our second go round was. One time does not a trend make, but I am confident that he is on his way to Pull-Up free nights wearing his underwear.

Cousins reunited

This weekend we had a very brief lunch date with with family we hadn't seen in almost 2 years. Kids change so much in 2 years. Our niece/cousin is no longer a little girl, but was still as interested in and kind to her young cousins as ever. It's always nice to meet a genuine, kind, and well manner pre-teen. Everyone had such a good time that Big Sister and Little Brother have plans to go to cousin camp again this summer. Love it when the kids have a chance to spend real quality time with their cousins and their Aunts and Uncles.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

98% finished

It's done! We have moved from our prior house to our new. We didn't buy a house, move for more room, or better rent. Actually, quite oppositely:-(

But, for the most part it is finished. I need to go back a pick up a few more knick knacks, clean up, and wait until big trash day on Thursday. Then I will be done with that old house and can finally get on with the business of organizing and settling into the new house.

We have some awesome friends that have really forced me to make a dent in the progress. They weren't afraid to force progress, start without me, and do the heavy lifting on their own.

But, it was moved along in a big way by Michael Pietsch of Peach Movers. He was prompt, trustworthy, friendly, honest about his pricing without any guesswork involved, and finished before I had guessed. "You own me for today. We can move anything you need. You tell me what to do."

The pre-packing wouldn't have been possible without the help of the kind watchful eyes of Betty, Christine, Jen, Dana & Doug, and Amanda & Eric. The house would still be floor to ceiling boxes and piles without the help of Traci, Melissa, and Jen. And those who did some serious scut work in preparation for the movers: Jose, Ben, and Ed. Lyzbeth you deserve a Margarita too:-). Alba you deserve a medal for being such a wonderful member of our family and seamless member of our social support community. You are loved by everyone!

I have never felt such a part of a community. This was not something I was exposed to as a child and haven't really experienced as an adult (to this degree) before. We are very lucky to have such a wonderful community neighborhood family. If we went to the store to pick all of you out, I don't think we could have chosen such a wonderful group.

I appreciate every single person who made us dinner, watched the kids, carried a single empty box to a car, helped lift, organize, and arrange our lives this last week. The kids appreciate you since they didn't starve, didn't have to help pack, and had made beds to sleep in every night. Daddy-O appreciates you too.

Thank you for helping me keep my cook. I will be glad when tomorrow is over!