Thursday, July 25, 2013

Big Sister likes it, she really likes it!

Big Sister is learning the value of help and time as payment for the same in return.  She worked out a barter with one of our neighbors for violin/string instruments lessons.  Not only did she fold a load of laundry, but she spent a little time getting acquainted with what is involved with caring for young babies.

Starter Furniture

After returning home from our fun and tiring weekend of camping, we found Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty gluing the pillow to the couch cushion.  I can't really get mad because there were other people here at the house before we left on our trip.  I am livid that this happened.  But, honestly should I throw away the putty or just hope it comes out when I finally have time to try to work it out of the cushions this weekend?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A camping we will go...Who needs a man in order to go camping

Ours with Big Sister standing inside
It was HOT, but fun.  Don't think I'll go camping again in late July unless I have my electrical fans ready to plug in.  I have never seen such plush camping accommodations before.  We even had some frustration and jealousy about "our" tent being "so small" compared to our friends' tents.  However, because there weren't so many restrictions on how to enter our little tent,  it served as the perfect tent for mid-day play and an easy escape from the mosquitos.

Theirs with the mud room
Theirs with the screened in porch

The evening activities on Friday included SWEATING, setting up camp before the sun set while SWEATING MORE, eating pizza while SWEATING, washing the SWEAT off everyone in the bathhouse hotter than a sauna, and trying to go to sleep while the SWEAT drips down your face. 

Saturday we had a true beach camping experience by waking at dawn, playing on the playground until enough others woke up to make breakfast, packing lunch and venturing out to the beach.  With no parking pass and residential permit parking only, we split up into two groups: group to carry all the heavy items to the beach and set up before the other group arrives and the group who patiently waited for the shuttle to the beach.  I have never seen kids have so much fun at the beach before and with varied interests: shells, digging, wanting to body surf or be splashed by waves, boogie boarding, and building in the sand.  There was no time to fight or get frustrated with anyone as they were all over the place having a blast.  Some enjoyed ice cream while others enjoyed their first snow cones.





Nothing ends a beach trip like a trip to Friendly's with an ice cream dessert (or lunch of ice cream in the writer's case).

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Summertime swimming is a favorite in our house.  Big Sisters is enjoying the neighborhood's swim program.  So excited she got her ribbons.  Next meet's goal: one ribbon of every color.

Did you miss us?

So much has happened.

We are settling in to our new home.  We love having a neighbor/friend who is flexible and willing to play anytime, built in playmates and a backup Mom.  Still emptying out boxes one at a time, but finally have almost all the boxes emptied from the main living area.  We even have meals and cookie dough in the freezer.

Signed up for Internet at our house because of many reasons.  The most irritating being that unlimited data package for an iPhone doesn't really mean unlimited ability to use unlimited data.

Big Sister was enjoying her first real opportunity to use our computer and online reading.  This seemed to motivate her to want to read independently.  Got to keep that motivation moving!

Grandparent camp: a well loved favorite by all family members.  Mom enjoyed a the first of the two weeks while enjoying some personal down time to unpack the second week.  Big Sister cashed in her birthday certificate and enjoyed a day of special treats: horseback trail ride, trip to the toy store to pick out any item, haircut, ice cream and as much fun and feeling special possible to pack into one day.  Little Brother had fun riding bikes, swimming, and drinking as many beverages from a can and sugary drinks he could guzzle.  And everyone's two favorite summer activities: sleepovers with the cousins and July 4th celebrations.

Rollin' in the truck SC style
What's that on your nose?
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...
Does you see what I see in the sand?
5 S'mores per child
Doe a deer a female deer...
Proud Tiger Cub Club Members here

Back home, Mom celebrated July 4th with our neighborhood.

Most importantly, we missed each other while separated (in a good way) and were all excited to be reunited upon their return home.  Next year, Mom's going to join them the second week.