Sunday, July 21, 2013

A camping we will go...Who needs a man in order to go camping

Ours with Big Sister standing inside
It was HOT, but fun.  Don't think I'll go camping again in late July unless I have my electrical fans ready to plug in.  I have never seen such plush camping accommodations before.  We even had some frustration and jealousy about "our" tent being "so small" compared to our friends' tents.  However, because there weren't so many restrictions on how to enter our little tent,  it served as the perfect tent for mid-day play and an easy escape from the mosquitos.

Theirs with the mud room
Theirs with the screened in porch

The evening activities on Friday included SWEATING, setting up camp before the sun set while SWEATING MORE, eating pizza while SWEATING, washing the SWEAT off everyone in the bathhouse hotter than a sauna, and trying to go to sleep while the SWEAT drips down your face. 

Saturday we had a true beach camping experience by waking at dawn, playing on the playground until enough others woke up to make breakfast, packing lunch and venturing out to the beach.  With no parking pass and residential permit parking only, we split up into two groups: group to carry all the heavy items to the beach and set up before the other group arrives and the group who patiently waited for the shuttle to the beach.  I have never seen kids have so much fun at the beach before and with varied interests: shells, digging, wanting to body surf or be splashed by waves, boogie boarding, and building in the sand.  There was no time to fight or get frustrated with anyone as they were all over the place having a blast.  Some enjoyed ice cream while others enjoyed their first snow cones.





Nothing ends a beach trip like a trip to Friendly's with an ice cream dessert (or lunch of ice cream in the writer's case).

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