Sunday, March 31, 2013

Just for you Daddy-O

I am so talented

Big Sister talking to herself. "I am so talented because I am so good at riding a bike and flying a kite. Let's see. What else am I good at? I am a great artist. I am good at math because I get extra work to do."

I love the confidence! If only it would remain in the forefront of her mind when she did something differently than hoped or she "falls and has to get up and back on the horse".

It's a terrible feeling (sometimes) when you realize how much you are like your parents. I think it is much harder to see the traits you don't like about yourself emerging from your child(ren).

Friday, March 29, 2013

Pintrest for men

This morning I heard about the "pintrest for men", Not sure about the longevity of this site due to pictures I saw and words I read. However, I did find this picture and thought of you Daddy-O.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Nok Pulli

I did something for myself today. I can't remember the last time I did this. Check out my new Nok Pulli.


Pictures from Wed and Thursday before dinner.

Missed pictures of KM on her bike... Getting the hang of it!

After dinner Thursday we have swim time.

After they go to bed - Pop-Pop plops into his recliner.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tuesday - All went well 03-26-2013

All went well once again.
A slow down day with shop, walk and projects filling the bulk of the day.
Good Kids - off to bed at 8:45
DAd (Guest writer, PopPop)

Sunday - Cole Bros Circus

A great show for Kids of all ages....
Love DAd (Guest writer, PopPop)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I've Fallen

I've Fallen, but I got up.  Not without some discomfort to my elbow and HUGE black and blue bruise.  The X-Rays show not fracture, but I haven't been able to transfer the pictures to share.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Break?

Spring Break is here. The kids are with PopPop. He even got Little Brother to leave his hooded winter jacket home. I won a parking prize FINALLY!!!

Can't wait to see how the rest of the week shapes up!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Childless Day #2

Compared to yesterday's calorie burner, über productive day, today was an Awesome use of my alone time. The house looks the kids are still here, and may actually have gotten worse.

Ate lunch at Panera.
Bought some Spring/Summer clothes that were on sale at Target for the kids.
Had 2 friends over, each separately, and held a newborn baby.
Collected cookies at our neighbor's house which I had never been invited into before.
Made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.
Dinner was snacking on Jelly Beans and cookies.
Watched several episodes of The Tudors.
Going to bed and planning on leaving for work at 0700 so I can get a full day in and leave by 4pm.

Tomorrow awaits another awesome childless afternoon and evening. Might even offer myself up to babysit for the FBC this week to build up my card stash.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

How to garden, by Little Brother

You should talk to your plants. You can play music for the plants. You can dance to the music. You can sing and dance to the music. When it gets dark, you should go inside.

Can't say I followed all through on on all the aforementioned gardening tips. However, finally accomplished what I had originally set out to do. Probably should have dug up the beds the same day I got all the soil. That would have been too logical and might have actually had proven results. I prefer the toss all the cards up in the air and see how they land approach.

Most beautiful 8th anniversary

Daddy-O surprised me by sending flowers to work on our anniversary. Little did he know that I didn't go to work that day because I went to preschool with Little Brother. They were still beautiful the next day and continued to be all week.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's My Birthday Too, Yeah!

Little Brother helped his birthday buddy celebrate their birthday at his party.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Really sprucing this place up.

It seems like my hard work is destined for failure this Spring! This weekend, once again, I spent much of Sunday afternoon trying to add Spring color to the loriapi laden beds along the walls of our house. (Please keep in mind we rent not own.). I planted Tulips and Hyacinths that have started making a green appearance and some Iris and Lilies for summer. My mom and I also removed the Holly Tree that has been impeding the size growth of flowers in the front yard.

Saturday, March 16, 2013