Friday, July 18, 2014

Big Sister made us so proud

Summer school started last week.  Little Brother is going to "big kid" school this Fall too so they are riding the bus together to Summer School.  Big Sister is being just that, the Big Sister.  I have been receiving self reports from Big Sister as well as from other parents about how she has taken him under her wing and is watching over him.  

One day last week, the bus arrived at the stop (parents and students still not sure where the real stop is) at least 15 minutes before the published drop off time.  The driver announced the stop.  Big Sister's friend went to get off the bus and realized no one followed.  She got back on the bus and the driver again announced the stop.  Big Sister and her friend didn't know what to do as there were no grown ups waiting at the bus stop.  Feeling pressured to get off the bus, the Big girls shepparded Little Brother and a classmate off the bus before it pulled away.

There were so many things wrong with this scenario to set up the kids for failure:
1. Confusion over bus stop location.  Since last week was the first week of a new bus route and routine, I expected there to be some mild confusion with the bus pick up and drop off.  (I haven't actually taken them to the bus stop as I need to be a work before the bus arrives at the stop.)  The last two Summers there has been confusion the first week about where the stop should be since it varies from the regular school year stop.
2. Drop off time exceeded the maximum 10 minutes prior to the published time.  there is always confusion about what time the bus will come to the stop (much like any other form of public transportation).
3.  There were NO adults at the stop to collect the younger children like Little Brother and his classmate as per County policy.

The two Big girls worked together, formed and executed a plan, had to reevaluate after the original idea didn't pan out as they thought, and continued to persevere until the found a solution that got the results they desired.

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