Saturday, July 12, 2014

They worked so hard!!!

Yesterday, Big Sister and Little Brother participated in their first FINS races of the summer.  Big Sister has been doing this for 2 summers already.  However, this is the first Summer that Little Brother participated too.  I don't know if I could be any prouder of both of them.

Little Brother swam the whole length of the pool without a noodle.  The first time he'd ever done that.  (There was a little bit of a pride challenge by Mom to get him to do it.). However, he then went and repeated the act.  (There was a little bit of crowd excitement and peer pressure involved in the second swim.). Most importantly, he worked hard and swam hard and made it to the end of the pool by himself both times.

Big Sister had excitement and experience fueling her.  She had to swim twice to the end if the pool.  The last race was her true challenge, down the pool and back. She rocked it and finished on her own too (with the help of a few pushes from the bottom of the pool).

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