Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 3, 2012/11/15

This being a working Mom and solo parent thing is a lot like being a stay at home Mom, but backwards.  I returned to work after being a FT SAHM for over 5 years because I never really got into the job responsibilities: planning for and preparing meals, managing household schedules and day to day family and household necessities.  As a SAHM, it seems there is never enough time to get everything done.  But those things that don't get done aren't usually necessary.  There's no time to do all the necessary items when you are at your office working all day.

I am a huge fan of knowing exactly what the situation will be, but that doesn't mean I am a planner.  I just need to know what to expect.  So here's what you can expect at our house this week:
-Rushing to get to the bus stop on time because I haven't found a reliable alarm clock
-Little boy asking "What that noise? That Daddy? You can be the Daddy (fill in animal of the day)."
-Plenty of whining and crying
-Skyping with Daddy-O with 2 children trying to edge the other out of the camera 's view
-Mom wondering when dinner is just going to magically appear on the table like it had for about the last year and serving thawed Baked Ziti when the reality that the dinner fairy no longer lives at our house
-Mom sneaking mouthfuls of cookies or cupcakes when no one else is within eye sight

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