Friday, November 16, 2012

Day 4, 2012/11/16

Daddy-O's bus stop friends miss him.  He was their lighthouse as the beacon of timeliness or tardiness upon arrival at the bus stop.

Our first day without Daddy-O we were the first ones at the bus stop.  I made everyone run because I thought we were late; turns out we missed Daddy-O because we didn't have anyone to signal us we were not late.

Day 2 we realized what time the bus really comes when we once again were nervous we were too late.  This time however, Eleanor's mom noted she thought they has missed the bus because the bus stop was a ghost town.

Day 3 resulted in a near miss of the school bus as big sister had to run to catch the bus that almost plowed us down in the crosswalk.  Maeve's mom received the panicky feeling when she showed up first.

Today we learned our lesson from yesterday, but finally realized the common thread in everyone's comments: Daddy-O provided all the parents assurance that their child hadn't already missed the bus.  So I informed everyone, "Daddy-O is a big fan of being on time.  It's not as important to me.  What matters is we are here in time to get on the bus.  Don't count on us anymore as your marker of time."

What matters to me about getting to the bus stop is will little brother and big sister be able to give each other a hug and kiss before big sister gets on the bus?  This simple act of love and friendship lasts me all day until I return home to find someone drew on one of our couch pillows.

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