Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 8, 2012/11/20

Thankful Day!  Today I had the chance to enjoy time with big sister and little brother during school hours.

Big Sister's school had thankful pie after lunchtime.  I was able to join big sister at the end of lunchtime in the cafeteria; big sister introduced me to her friends and shared the name of all her classmates.  Following lunch, we returned to her classroom to enjoy our treat together.  Since I am not often able to get to the kids' schools, this was a refreshing treat to see her in her element.
Stone Soup story as explained on Wikipedia:

Some travelers come to a village, carrying nothing more than an empty cooking pot. Upon their arrival, the villagers are unwilling to share any of their food stores with the hungry travelers. Then the travelers go to a stream and fill the pot with water, drop a large stone in it, and place it over a fire. One of the villagers becomes curious and asks what they are doing. The travelers answer that they are making "stone soup", which tastes wonderful, although it still needs a little bit of garnish to improve the flavor, which they are missing. The villager does not mind parting with a few carrots to help them out, so that gets added to the soup. Another villager walks by, inquiring about the pot, and the travelers again mention their stone soup which has not reached its full potential yet. The villager hands them a little bit of seasoning to help them out. More and more villagers walk by, each adding another ingredient. Finally, a delicious and nourishing pot of soup is enjoyed by all.
Following Thankful Lunch, and somewhat overlapping, I rushed over to Little Brother's school for Stone Soup Chapel.  The best part of Stone Soup was being able to Skype Daddy-O and "share" some soup together.

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