Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 7 (Daddy-O)

Check-in day here in Bahrain....

I had a super breakfast buffet this morning at the hotel, but am sure that I might have second thoughts once the bill is converted into dollars.  The exchange rate here is 2.6 USD for about 1 BHD, which gives you the impression of getting a good deal.  Not necessarily true.  After breakfast, I walked a few blocks to the base.  During the walk, there were some items I noticed.  First, there are a tons of awnings and tents for the cars to park under, which I assume has to do with the powerful sun here.  The second was the fact that there were very nice buildings that match what I've seen in other countries, but they just had dirt/rock unfinished landscaping. Finally, there are plenty of US brands here from Pizza Hut, Chili's, Burger King.

Once at the base, I just kind of followed the crowd through the security areas, which were pretty impressive.  After security, I navigated the small base to my office for the standard check-in paperwork.  As always at new jobs, there were a lot of acronyms and names that I'll have to learn again.  I'm always amazed how the military can build a mini self-contained city on such a small space.  I found a library, bowling alley, gym, grocery store, small hospital, and many military units.

I'm sure lots of new things will come up with work in the next few weeks.  One thing I like about being out of the US is that everyone is automatically closer and inclusive.  Case in point, I have already been invited to two Thanksgiving meals.  I think this comes down to the fact that we are a small pocket inside a larger local community.   I am currently staying in a nice place in the Juffair neighborhood, and will provide more on that later.

I certainly miss the family, but plenty of new experiences keep me occupied.  Until my next post....

1 comment:

Ann said...

I'm so happy that you have someplace and will know someone with whom to spend your Thanksgiving. I've been trying to decide whether I should invite ourselves to Someone's house. But alas, no one has offered.